Recent Publication

Bianca Eskelson


(1) Acquah SB, Marshall PL, Eskelson BNI, Moss I, Barbeito I (2024) Growth responses to thinning from below in uneven-aged interior Douglas-fir dominated stands. Can. J. For. Res.

(2) Fortin M, Power H, Van Couwenberghe R, Eskelson BNI (2024) The effect of climate on the occurrence and abundance of tree recruitment in the province of Quebec, Canada. Forestry 97, 147–161.

(3) Jang W, Eskelson BNI, McWilliams ERG, Prescott CE, van Niejenhuis A (2024) Fertilization increases growth of western redcedar and western hemlock but also increases mortality and sinuosity. For. Ecol. Manag. 565, 122019.

(4) Jang W, Eskelson BNI, Littke KM, Turnblom EC (2024) Individual fertilization response with social status and crown characteristics for Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). Can. J. For. Res. (In Press)

(5) Pommerening A, Sterba H, Eskelson BNI (2024) Distance and T-square sampling for spatial measures of tree diversity. Ecol. Indic. 163, 111995.


(1) Acquah SB, Marshall PL, Eskelson BNI, Barbeito I (2023) Temporal changes in tree spatial patterns in uneven-aged interior Douglas-fir dominated stands managed under different thinning treatments. For. Ecol. Manag. 528, 120640.

(2) Driscoll BA, Krzic M, Comeau L-P, Eskelson BNI, Li S (2023) Short-term response of soil aggregate stability and labile carbon to contour tillage, diversion terrace, grassed waterway, and tile drainage implementation. Can. J. Soil. Sci. 103, 394–405.

(3) Huberman YL, Eskelson BNI (2023) Conifer performance, stand productivity, and understory cover in varying densities of mixed conifer-broadleaf stands in southwestern British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 53, 430–443.

(4) Nepal S, Eskelson BNI, Ritchie MW, Gergel SE (2023) Thinning combined with prescribed burn created spatially heterogeneous overstory structures in contemporary dry forests: A comparison using LiDAR (2016) and field inventory (1934) data. Forests 14, 2096.

(5) Nepal S, Eskelson BNI, Ritchie MW, Gergel SE (2023) Spatial patterns of vigor by stand density across species groups and its drivers in a pre-harvest ponderosa pine-dominated landscape in northern California. For. Ecol. Manag. 534, 120867.

Tzeng Yih Lam


(1) Lam TY, Ducey MJ (2024) Analysis of the inflection points of height-diameter models. For. Ecosyst. 11, 100202.

(2) Li Y-C, Chan T-Y, Lam TY, Liu S-W (2024) Effects of elevation, stand density, and inter-tree competition on tree sizes, vulnerability, and health of planted Zelkova serrata and Quercus glauca in reforestation. FORMATH 23, 1–12.

(3) Perng B-H, Lam TY, Su S-H, Bin Md Sabri MD, Burslem D, Cardenas D, Duque Á, Ediriweera S, Gunatilleke N, Novotny V, O’Brien MJ, Reynolds G (2024) Integrating rapid assessment, variable probability sampling, and machine learning to improve accuracy and consistency in mapping local spatial distribution of plant species richness. Forestry 97, 282–294.

(4) Perng B-H, Lam TY, Cheng S-T, Su S-H, Anderson-Teixeira KJ, Bourg NA, Burslem DFRP, Castaño N, Duque Á, Ediriweera S, Gunatilleke N, Lutz JA, McShea WJ, Md Sabri MD, Novotny V, O’Brien MJ, Reynolds G, Weiblen GD, Zuleta D (2024) Mapping distribution of woody plant species richness from field rapid assessment and machine learning. Taiwania 69, 1–15.