ForValueNet Mixed and Other Models Workshop, June, 2010
Course Handout: MSword file
Pre-course materials: ZIP file
Day 1: ZIP file
Day 2: Zip file
Day 3: Zip file
UBC Workshop for FRST 430&533C, 2009
Materials for workshop: Zip file
Introductory Forest Biometrics Using R, Nigeria, 2009
All course materials: ZIP file (download only)
Training Materials for One-day Training Workshop on R (PDF)
Instructors Overview (PDF & MSword)
Statistics Background Materials
Review of Statistics (PDF & MSword)
Fitting Equations (PDF & MSword)
Forestry 430 Advanced Biometrics (2007) (PDF & MSword)
Experimental Design (PDF & MSword)
Sampling Formula Sheet (PDF & MSword)
F and T tables (PDF)
Data and exercises: the script (program), data (comma delimited) data files and exercise used in the course in a zipped format
Bangor University Workshop, Advanced Biometrics using R, 2008
Course Outline: PDF
Probability and Statistics Review: PDF
Fitting Equations: PDF
Experimental Design: PDF
Exercise: PDF
R_code_and_data for Exercises: Zip file
UBC Workshop, 2006
Manual for workshop: PDF file
Data and scripts: the script (program) and data (comma delimited) data files used in the course in a zipped format
R-Workshop presentations (PDF files)
February 15, 2006
An introduction to R
Objects in R
February 17, 2006
Mixed-effects Models –
An introduction to mixed-effects
Thinking about mixed-effects models